SCP 4971 , also known as The One Who Knows Silence In The Earth, is a mysterious God within the SCP Foundation mythos, known mostly within occult circles Due to what little is known of its nature as a God of Sacrifice, it is feared among the occult world and very few worship it 1 Biography 11 Origin 12 The Last Appeal of Biphi 13 Discovery of SCP 4971 14 Encountering the God 2Jun 09, 21 · SCP087 Lite, Full 편집 러시아의 게임 개발자가 제작한 게임으로, 이 게임 역시 SCP0871이 직접적으로 등장하지 않고 얼굴 사진이 깜박깜박거리는 정도만 등장한다 유니티 3D 에서 만들어 그래픽은 상당하나 그냥 계단을 타고 내려가다 공포스러운 음성 7 을 듣고SCP087へと続く扉には厚さ6cmの工業用スポンジが付けられました。ノック音の報告はなくなりました。 許可された者のみ探査Ⅰ~Ⅳについて記した文書087Ⅰ~Ⅳを閲覧することができます。 文書087Ⅰ 文書087Ⅱ 文書087Ⅲ データ削除済

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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us CreatorsContents Chapter 1 Introduction Who needs this guide?15SCP173 or SCP096 2 Answers Trent Silva May 26 A file on this fight actually exists on the SCP wiki, in which it was a termination attempt that was started by projecting an image of 096 onto 173's containment cell and turning off the lights Essentially what happened after is that 173 outsped the Shy Guy, and spent three hours snapping his
Aug 28, · The developer has stated that there will be five different SCP's wandering around the facility with you SCP173 "The Statue" EUCLID, SCP106 "The Old Man" KETER, SCP087 "The StairwellScp087 นั้นถูกบุคลากรคลาส d บันทึกภาพวิดีโอไว้ทั้งหมดสี่ครั้ง โดยทุกครั้งจะได้พบกับ scp0871 ซึ่งเป็นใบหน้าที่ไม่มีนัยตา รูจมูก หรือปาก ให้เห็นS No Archive Warnings Apply;
May 01, 21 · My_ScratchWorld added the project scp 939 simulator 526 pm My_ScratchWorld added the project scp 173 simulater not that good 526 pm My_ScratchWorld added the project scp 096 simulator 526 pm My_ScratchWorld added the project scp 610 simulator 526 pm My_ScratchWorld added the project scp 017 simulator 526 pmCory begins his new job at SCP Foundation and is tasked with keeping containment He encounters SCP 173, SCP 087, SCP 049, SCP 999, SCP 035, SCP 106, SCP 6 and SCP 610 just to name a few!SCP0871 is a creature of unknown origin living on SCP087 an unending staircase All those who enter SCP087 can hear a crying child roughly 0 metres down, which seems to descend at the same speed as the person descending The crying child is possibly SCP0871 trying to lure them in, although this is yet to be confirmed It stalks people down SCP087, usually appearing

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SCP173 was the first SCP object ever found, singlehandedly responsible for the creation of the SCP Foundation Wiki which houses multiple other supernatural objects and beings Despite being a Euclidclass anomaly, SCP173's presence has greatly unsettled SCP6 (one of the most dangerous and powerful entities in the multiverse) while the twoSCP173 is an easy killer in The Creepy Elevator SCP173 originates from the SCP Foundation's entries of SCP173 (The Sculpture) His behavior, though, is based off on SCP Containment Breach, where it appears as the first and main hostile enemy throughout the game The music that plays while SCP173 is active is called Anxiety When SCP173's floor starts, players will explore SCP173SCP Packaging Inc Jun Present6 months Fremont, California, United States Lead and manage a team of PMs to work with clients on creating

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SCP7J travels around in butts you can only get rid of it by wiping that is the moral of the story sometimes it kills other butts and makes them butt ghosts too but it is always lonely because it is a butt ghost Addendum if you fall in the toilet, it eats your butt by researcher james, age 11SCP – Containment Breach is a free and open source indie supernatural horror video game developed by Joonas Rikkonen ("Regalis") It is based on the paranormal fictional stories of the SCP Foundation website The game is played from a first person perspective and the protagonist is a human test subject labeled "D9341" in an SCP Foundation facility, which is devoted toSCP3125 is a Keter class object and omnipresent entity with the SCP mythos It serves as the main antagonist of the Antimemetics Division series 1 Biography 2 Trivia 3 External Links 4 Navigation SCP3125 is described as an extremely large Θ'dimensional highly violent and hostile abnormal metastasized memetic entity originating externally to reality and partially intersecting it Because

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View, comment, download and edit scp Minecraft skinsSCP087 is a staircase that appears to descend forever The staircase is inhabited by SCP0871, which is described as a face without a mouth, pupils or nostrils SCP108 is a Nazi bunker system that is only accessible through a portal found in a woman's nose SCP173 is a humanoid statue composed of rebar, concrete and Krylon spray paintSCP Site19 is a mobile multiplayer SCP Foundation based game Every round map is randomly generated & roles are random So you never expect who you play as or who you gonna bump into There are 6 classes in SCP Site19 ClassD Scientists Guards MTF CI SCPs As of right now there are SCP173 SCP280 SCP049 SCP294 SCP

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SCP087 has undergone four video recorded explorations by ClassD personnel Each subject conducting an exploration has encountered SCP0871, which appears as a face with no visible pupils, nostrils, or mouth The nature of SCP0871 is entirely unclear, but it has been determined that it is not the source of the pleadingSCP049 or the Plague Doctor is a humanoid with an old doctor's mask holding scissors and a cane He will occasionally swing around the cane The description, behavior, and origin of SCP049 is based off of of "SCP049", from the SCP Wiki Licensed under CCBYSA Once 049 touches someone, the subject will become "cured" and have the message at the top of their screen "YOUOriginal SCP Character(s) (SCP Foundation) SCP087;

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Mar 12, 17 · The Blinking system was compatible to SCP 173 swep My other addons SCP Custom Death Sound SCP MOTD (French) SCP MOTD (English) SCP Sweps & Models Popular Discussions View All (4) 36 Feb 9, 19 @ 646am PINNED Suggestions Nekima 34 Apr 5 @ 1128am PINNED Bugs Nekima 8 Aug 29, 19 @ 1238amSCP096, Scp173, Scp106, Scp457, SCP087B, SCP3008, SCP300, Mobile Task Force, SCP Foundation, Breach SCP049 is a Killer in Midnight Horrors SCP049 originates from the SCP Foundation 's entries of SCP049 (The Plague Doctor), however, his behavior is based off of how he behaves in SCP Containment Breach , a fangame themed after SCPApr 04, 21 · scp173 scp231 scp239 scp343 scp500 scp6 scp701 scp8 scp914 scp963 scp087의 깊은 곳에는 정체불명의 존재가 있는데, 이 존재를 scp0871이라고 칭한다 특이하게도 이 녀석은 scp087에 들어온 탐사자들이 아니라 그들이 장착한 카메라를 통해 상황을 지켜보는

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Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat D&D BeyondSCP087 is a Euclidclassified SCP Description edit edit source SCP087 appears an endless staircase incapable of being lit, as it absorbs any excess of lightSCP 231, Aka Special Personal Requirements, is a Keter class object that has 110 Montauk There were Seven of them while six died SCP231 is a woman that is pregnant And if one of them gives birth, It will cause a event that could cause many casualties 231 17 is found by the foundation from the orginozation called Children of the Scarlet King Here is a list of deaths of 16 2311 died

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Stream SCP 087 Vs SCP 173 SCP Foundation Rap Battle by Mad Hatter from desktop or your mobile device SoundCloud SCP 087 Vs SCP 173 SCP Foundation Rap Battle by Mad Hatter published on TZ Comment by MihaelSCP Foundation Cosplay Costume Hoodie Autumn Winter Coat Pullover Secure Coat 40 out of 5 stars 1 1 colors/patterns Baosha YB01 Vintage Men's Waist Bag Sports Waist Pack Bum Bag Security Money Waist Day Pack Pouch Hip Belt Bag Bumbag CoffeeJun 19, 21 · 1406, SCP049 was just a young man named Estienne, living with his family in southern France The days were long and the vineyard beautiful, and it seemed that nothing would ever break this simple peace And then, the Plague came This is SCP049's origin story

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SCP087 10k VISITS THANK YOU!!!! 64% 1 SCP Star Liner Cinema 66% 3 SCP RP 33% 0 SCP096 UPDATED 80% 115 SCP 096 and SCP 173 and 939 Demonstration 75% 7 SCP173 Demonstration 74% 70 Scp096 and Scp173 and Rake and Baldi And Granny 50% 1 SCP096 Demonstration 78% 0 Survival The SCP173 The Killer 63% 48 SCP173 47% 31I believe it's even mentioned in 131's description as well!On multiple occasions, SCP3009 has expressed a desire to return to Lee's body SCP3009C is a female human of Eastern Asian descent that either is, is impersonating, or believes itself to be the female human Stacey Lee SCP3009C measures 161 m in height and weighs approximately 52 kilograms as of the writing of this article

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Nov 22, 12 · SCP6 wroteI'm sorry, but that looks nothing like SCP173 It looks more like a cross of 173 and 096 It looks more like a cross of 173 and 096 The real 173 is an actual sculpture, like he appears ingame4 level 1 EndladWe don't know if SCP087–1 can even see, or if it has a physical form To quote it's file "Each subject conducting an exploration has encountered SCP0871, which appears as a face with no visible pupils, nostrils, or mouth The nature of SCP0871 is entirely unclear, but it has been determined that it is not the source of the pleading

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SCP173 is animate and extremely hostile The object cannot move while within a direct line of sight Line of sight must not be broken at any time with SCP173 Personnel assigned to enter container are instructed to alert one another before blinking Object is reported to attack by snapping the neck at the base of the skull, or by strangulationThe third most common entity in SCP087B and SCP087B Extended Edition, just behind Chesire Smile Red Monster acts similar to SCP173, only moving when not being observed, but in this case, in the general direction Red Monster also appears to be a black humanoid figure, but this time with large spots across it's body and white glowing eyes10 level 2 ShrekIsMyGF 5 months ago yep!

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Summary SCP087 неосвещённая лестница Пролёты спускаются под углом 38 градусов, в одном пролёте 13 ступенек, между пролётами полукруглые площадки примерно 3 метров вMar 18, 21 · "It has come to our attention that a second instance of Scp087 was verified in a different campus site belonging to the same university system as the originalNow as to whether this means it can "spread" to other universities outside of sister locations is unknownIt should however be considered a very real possibility"SCP087는 일련의 계단통으로, 그 구조는 38도의 각도로 내려가는 13 개의 층계참으로 이루어져 있다 13개의 계단참을 내려오면 반원 모양의 플랫폼에 도달하며, 180도 반전하여 다시 13개의

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